This time of year can be difficult to monitor the Bald Eagle nests. The tree canopy on a lot of the nest trees has grown to completely block my view. I was hoping to catch a view of the eaglet branching but nothing yet. Branching is when the eaglet ventures away from the nest onto near by branches to get ready to make it's first flight. Luckily, at one of the nest, I got visitors that help pass the time.
Two male Baltimore Orioles were the first to visit me at my viewing spot. They seemed to be fighting over territory or a mate. This is one of the two that posed nicely for me before chasing off the other male.
The second visitor was a Eastern Phoebe. It sang, it's song of "Fee-bee" where it gets it's name and bobbing it's tail.
A flock of Canada Geese leisurely swam by on the river while I was there too.
A White-tailed Deer wading into the edge of the river for a drink and some sort of water plant it was eating.
I was hoping for more eagle activity at the nest but viewing these other animals was very enjoyable too. Happy birding and enjoying nature!
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