Still No Eggs yet...
Yesterday, The Red-shouldered Hawk pair was perched together. This morning, The pair was perched again together for a short time. The nesting season for them still hasn't started. It should be soon though. I believe that they got started last season in late-March or early-April. Once the female lays eggs, she will be incubating for about 30 days. A little bit shorter than their larger cousin the Bald Eagle. While a lot of Bald Eagle pairs share the incubating duties, Red-shouldered Hawk females do about 95% or more of the incubating. The male will be busy getting food for both them. She likes to "scream" at him from the nest and I have heard this a number of times overt the nesting season.
I have always been a little hesitant to name nesting raptors. I know it's pretty common on the nest cams but I just haven't ever done it for any of the Bald Eagle pairs that I have watched. Should I name the Red-shouldered Hawk pair? What do you think?